JACK THE RIPPER; Or The Whitechapel Fiend in America

Author: Gilbert (Jerome)
Year: 1889
Publisher: Old Cap Collier Library. Munro's Publishing House
Edition Details: Facsimile Reprint c. 1996/7
Book Condition: F.
Price: £20.00
Softcover. Facsimile Reprint. Old Cap. Collier Library. The Old Cap Collier Library Dime Novel collection was published by Norman L. Munro & Company, running from 1883 until 1899. These issues feature detective stories and the publisher boasted "twice as much reading matter" than any other dime novel. Many of these stories were founded on true crime stories. This is a facsimile of no. 338, produced by The Ripperological Preservation Society (US) - a fictional account by Jerome Gilbert, from the perspective of the murderer, having left England and travelled to the Americas. Includes a short run-down of the murders committed in London. Published February 18, 1889. 31pp. 8vo. stapled paper wraps. F. with no creasing to covers. Now scarce.


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